Crewe Model Boat Club
General Rules
1) Names and Objectives.
a) The Club (hereinafter called “The Club”) shall be known as The Crewe and District Model Boat Club
b) Its objectives are to promote model boat building and sailing in the Crewe and District and surrounding areas.
2) Officers
a) The Club will be governed by the following Officers
i. Chairman
ii. Secretary/Membership Secretary
iii. Treasurer
iv. Club Boiler Tester / Safety Officer
v. Club Safety Officer
A quorum of three of the elected committee must be present before any decision is reached. Where an Officer holds more than one position, he/she may only be counted in one role for the purpose of forming a quorum.
b) The following officers are elected at the AGM but do not form part of the committee unless fulfilling a role for which they are deputising
i. Deputy Chairman
ii. Deputy Secretary/Membership Secretary
iii. Deputy Treasurer
iv. Yachting Representative
v. Northern Association of Model Engineers Representative
vi. Boiler Tester 2 / Safety Officer
vii. Boiler Tester 3 / Safety Officer
viii. Deputy Safety Officer
ix. Deputy Safety Officer
x. Auditor
xi. Webmaster
In the absence of any elected official the relevant deputy will assume the role including attending any Committee meetings.
3) Indemnity
a) Except such loss as arises from their respective or wilful default, the Members of the committee shall not be liable (otherwise than as Members) for any loss suffered by The Club as a result of the discharge of their respective duties on its behalf, and they shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of The Club and from all Members of The Club in equal shares for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in the discharge of their respective duties.
b) All persons attending or sailing at The Club events do so entirely at their own risk.
4) General Meetings
a) General meetings shall be held on a regular basis
b) The Chairman shall preside at all Meetings or in the absence of the chairman the Deputy Chairman or Secretary. If neither is available a Chairman shall be elected by the Meeting.
c) Extraordinary Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer
d) True and accurate records shall be kept of all Meetings.
5) Finances.
a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for banking all moneys received and for payment of accounts.
b) The Auditors remuneration is to be fixed annually at Annual General Meeting.
c) If the Club shall cease to exist, then the Assets shall be converted to cash. After payment of all and any liabilities of The Club the balance shall be paid to The R.N.L.I. as a donation from the Club.
6) Annual General Meeting
a) Officers and the Auditor shall be elected annually at the A.G.M. which shall be held in March
b) Notification of the A.G.M. or any Extraordinary Meeting shall be given to all Members either verbally or at their current known address at least 14 days prior to the Meeting.
c) The Treasurer shall present at the A.G.M. a balance sheet of the audited Club Accounts
d) The Treasurer shall maintain a list of all Club Assets and their respective locations. The list showing the previous two years Assets and their estimated current value shall be presented by the Treasurer at the A.G.M.
e) General Rules may be amended at the A.G.M. or at an Extraordinary Meeting convened just for that purpose. Any proposed changes to the rules are to be advised not later than at the monthly meeting prior to the AGM or included in the announcement of an EGM
f) Any alterations or additions to the General Rules must be passed by a simple majority of Members present who are eligible to vote
7) Membership
Annual membership fees and joining fees will be set by the committee each November based on known costs for the following year.
New Members
a) New Member applications will be subject to proposal and secondment from two Members and approval by the Members at monthly meeting.
b) The current subscription plus the joining fee less any Day member fees paid becomes payable on acceptance.
c) New Members applying to join during the year will pay a proportion of the annual subscription for each of the remaining months to December, plus the joining fee.
There are two classes of membership
Full / Assisted members who have paid their annual membership Fee and Junior Members
a) Membership will run from 1 January and be signified by a Membership card.
b) Payment of the annual Membership fee will signify that a member has read and accepted the Rules of The Club
c) Any Member not paying their subscription by the end of February will cease to be a member and will not be permitted to use The Club facilities or allowed in any of The Club events
d) The Club Insurance Scheme s compulsory for all Members and is included in the annual subscription.
e) An Assisted member and their carer(s) pay one membership fee.
f) Junior Members up to age 17 are entitled to free Membership. Junior Members must always be under adult supervision from a fully paid member.
g) Any Members’ application deemed detrimental to the Club can be refused without any reason given
h) All committee Members must be paid up Members.
i) Whilst at Club sailings children are the responsibility of their parent or guardian, vulnerable adults are the responsibility of their carer, and must be always accompanied by the relevant parent, guardian or carer.
j) Under no circumstances should any Club Member supervise children or vulnerable adults without the presence of the relevant parent, guardian or carer who must always be present.
Day members who are visiting the club to sail their model
a) Visitors must register on arrival and if they do not have public liability insurance documentation must join as a Day Member and pay a £2 fee for each visit limited to three visits in any 12month period.
b) A Day members membership is valid for one day on the day of issue.
c) We will record in a visitors book the name, address, and insurance details if available.
d) The Club Insurance Scheme now only covers members sailing model boats for public liability insurance which is compulsory for all Members and is included in the daily subscription.
e) Day members are subject to all the Club Rules and should operate their model in a safe manner, paying due regard to other members/models and their safety.
f) Day members do not acquire any voting rights and may not stand for any committee position.
g) Day members may apply for membership in accordance with the procedure under New Members and any fees paid as a day member will be deducted from the membership fee applicable.
8) Disciplinary Procedure
a) The Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer shall have the power to order the withdrawal from Club functions any Member(s) under investigation for misconduct which includes
(a) Vandalism
(b) Antisocial and abusive behaviour
(c) Malicious damage
(d) Any action deemed detrimental to The Club
b) Any Member(s) under investigation for misconduct shall be suspended from all Club activities until a full investigation by the Committee as soon as possible.
c) The offending Member(s) may be asked to explain their actions to the committee before any decision is made. For a decision to be reached, a quorum of two thirds of The Committee must be present.
d) A suspended Member shall not be entitled to use any of the Club’s facilities but shall remain liable to pay his/her subscriptions.
e) Any complaints regarding a member must be raised in writing to the Secretary for consideration by the Committee within two months of the incident taking place.
9) General Sailing Rules.
i. We do not have exclusive rights to the use of the lake and
ii. U-Swim and Fisherman have a right to use the lake.
iii. We must always avoid any fishing lines and if necessary, check with the fishermen where their lines are cast.
iv. Our agreed sailing area is the lake immediately in front of the two landing stages up to the 30 feet from the far bank of the lake.
v. The area to the right of our sailing area is reserved for fishing and we must not sail past a line from the promontory on the right to the far side of the lake.
vi. Similarly, the area to the left of our landing stage within 30 feet of the bank is also reserved for fishing.
vii. All Members are required to comply with the Sailing Area Rules and the Sailing Safely Advice.
viii. No Member may operate an Internal Combustion powered model boat
ix. All sailing activities must be undertaken in a safe manner with due regard to any other models. swimmers or wildfowl on the lake.
x. The Safety Officers and / or their nominees will check for compliance with current insurance legislation any model steam plant sailing on club waters
xi. Members must comply with any reasonable request to have their models inspected by a Club Safety Officer or Club Member at the request of a Club Safety Officer
xii. A Club Safety Officer is empowered to stop a model sailing. Any such model may not be sailed until the Safety Officer is satisfied with the model’s compliance.
04 January 2025
Crewe and District Model Boat Club
Sailing Area Rules
The following rules are in place to protect our Members and the Public and to ensure we can continue to enjoy the sailing waters:
1) Parking
- Enter the Boundary Park area and drive carefully along the dirt track through the gate to the sailing area.
- Park your car in the parking area on the left-hand side of the track. Make sure you do not block the track if the car park is full.
- Please park as close as safely possible to adjacent cars.
2) Sailing
- Launch models from the club jetty, or from the bank. This is the jetty to the left of the sailing area when viewed from the car parking area.
- No more than four persons on the jetty at any one time
- Do not leave stands on the jetty or obstruct the entrance to the jetty at any time.
- Do not stand on the launching jetty when sailing other than to launch or recover your model
- No IC models, or fast electric racing models. Scale electric, sail or steam models only
- All racing yachts to have rubber bumpers fitted at the bow
- Transmitter aerials to have golf ball type protectors attached. Not required for 2.4 Ghz
- Please sail your models responsibly and avoid running fast models amongst slower models
3) Frequency control
- The designated transmitter operation area is bounded by the two landing stages extending to the car park areas immediately behind the stages.
- Please ensure that you do not operate your transmitter outside of this area.
- In case an emergency requiring you to operate elsewhere please advise others sailing accordingly.
- Do not switch on your radio control equipment without first checking that it is safe to do so and that you have exclusive control of the frequency
- We no longer operate a fixed allocated frequency for 40MHz or a pegboard for 27MHz shared frequency control system as most members now use 2.4Ghz sets.
- If you are using a 27 Mhz or 40 Mhz frequency please ensure you check that no other member is using your frequency before switching on.
- If your frequency is in use, advise the current user that you wish to share the same channel. When they have finished their sail you can claim the frequency and switch on your transmitter. Failure to observe this procedure may result in a damaged boat.
- For 2.4GHz equipment ensure that the transmitter and receiver have correctly selected a spare frequency and that full control over the model is possible before launching on the water.
- Any Member guilty of “damaging a boat” by switching on their transmitter when they don’t have the frequency channel may be liable to pay compensation to the owner of the damaged boat.
4) Insurance
- All those sailing models must have valid Insurance.
- Non-club Members will be required to provide evidence of insurance
5) General
- No dogs are allowed at the club sailing site.
- Do not leave any litter on site including debris from broken or repaired boats.
- Our permission to use the lake is for sailing Model Boats and does not extend to any flying Models.
4th January 2025.
Crewe and District Model Boat Club
Sailing Safely Advice
Model boating is an enjoyable and generally safe hobby. However we should all be aware that accidents or illness can occur at any time. Details of Emergency services and contacts are provided on sailing days at the sailing site so that anyone attending the Club, whether sailing or otherwise and then suffering an illness or accident can receive medical attention as quickly as possible.
We are a Model Boat Club and do not have permission to fly any airborne Models, and do not have Insurance or any qualified officials to oversee such activity.
We do not have any on site trained First Aiders, but the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer each have a First Aid box for Club use.
Please be aware that there is an issue with safety and adhere to the following guidelines whilst at Boundary Park:
- Our permission to use the lake is for Model Boats and does not extend to any airborne Models.
- Our sailing times are, weather and light permitting, from 12pm until 3pm Monday and Wednesday
- At the end of the sailing time please ensure that you do not continue to sail when all other members have removed their boats and are preparing to leave
- If you require help with launching or retrieving your model please seek help from other members
- Never sail alone, if you are first at the water do not start sailing until someone else arrives.
- Anyone sailing should ideally have a mobile phone with them and preferably switched on. If an incident occurs and you do not have a serviceable mobile phone go to the house and ask to use their telephone.
- A list of Members telephone numbers is available at each club meeting to enable contact with family or friends in case of need.
- If there is an accident or emergency ring (999) the Emergency Services, tell them what has happened and request the appropriate service.
- The venue is Boundary Park Store, Knutsford Road, Allostock, Cheshire CW4 8HT.
- Do not enter the water.
- If you start to feel ill whilst at the sailing site tell someone your exact symptoms, any medication you are taking and decide what action to take. Do not keep it to yourself as any delay may have serious consequences.
- We all have a duty of care for our own and other’s safety. If you are aware that anyone is in danger or distress please alert other Members so that any help may be rendered in good time.
- The launching jetty belonging to the club is situated to the left when viewed from the road side of the lake. The jetty to the right belongs to Alan Blackhurst (ex Sea Scouts) and is available to use. Both jetties are used at your own risk.
- Fit a golf ball type protector to the end of your transmitter aerial to protect contact with the aerial tip. Not required for 2.4Ghz transmitters.
- Be aware that the grass bank adjacent to the lake and the launching jetties may become slippery in times of heavy rain or frost.
- Ensure that any sharp points or edges on your model are protected to avoid any piercing injury to yourself or others.
- When launching your model it is preferable to use some form of launching cradle or strap. Please ensure that any device used has a secure hold on the model and is properly balanced to avoid any chance of the model slipping
4th January 2025
Crewe and District Model Boat Club
Safeguarding Policy.
Crewe and District Model Boat Club believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or vulnerable person to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable persons.
If a Club member is approached by a vulnerable person then the following procedure will be adopted.
Contact one of the following club members:-
Andy Tomlinson – Chairman
Dave Melville – Secretary/ Safety Officer
Howard Craske – Treasurer
Brian Clewes -Boiler Tester/ Safety Officer
Ron Corbishley- Boiler Tester/Safety Officer
Peter Jackson – Deputy Safety Officer
Alan Heaslip – Deputy Safety Officer
One of the above will assess the situation and follow the following procedure :-
If you believe that someone is being abused please contact the Community Access Team (CAT) on:
• 0300 123 5010 (08:30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 08:30am to 4:30pm Friday)
• 0300 123 5022 (at all other times including Bank Holidays)
• Alternatively call Cheshire Police: 101 for non-emergencies or 999 in an emergency.
A Club record sheet must then be completed
4th January 2025
Privacy Policy
Crewe and District Model Boat Club Privacy Statement
Crewe and District Model Boat Club respects the privacy of its members and the visitors of its web site, the home page of which is located at httpss://
This Privacy Statement is intended to inform you of our policies and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of any personal
information you submit to us through our web site or by completing a membership application form and ticking the “opt in” consent box.
“Personal Information” is information about you that is personally identifiable to you like your name, address, e-mail address, or phone
number, as well as other non-public information that is associated with the foregoing.
We pay close attention to how Personal Information about our visitors is used and shared, and we use Personal Information sensibly.
User Consent
By submitting Personal Information through our web site, or by completing a membership application form and ticking the “opt in” consent
box, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Statement.
You expressly consent to the processing of your Personal Information according to this Privacy Statement. Personal Information may be
processed by Crewe and District Model Boat Club, in the country where it was collected as well as other countries (including the United States) where laws regarding processing of Personal Information may be less stringent.
Collection of Personal Information
The Personal Information we gather from you helps us learn about our members and potential members. We use this information to improve the features of our club and web site, and to offer you additional information.
Personal Information You Provide to Us
We collect Personal Information that you submit to us voluntarily through our web site, by letter, e-mail or verbally. The types of Personal Information we collect are:
For receiving information material:
If you contact us to receive information material (such as one of our newsletters), we will collect your name, e-mail address and how often you wish to receive information
For general information:
If you contact us via e-mail to get general information, we will collect your e-mail address and any information contained in the e-mail you send us.
Personal Information Collected via Technology
As you navigate our web site, certain passive information may also be collected, including your Internet Protocol address, browser type, and operating system. We also use cookies and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of your visit and the information for which you searched and viewed. This type of information is collected to make our club web site and facilities more useful to you.
Personal Information We Receive from Other Sources
We may receive Personal Information about you from other sources like telephone or e-mail. We may add this information to the information we have already collected from you via our web site to improve the service we provide.
Use of Information
In general, Personal Information you submit to us is used to provide information in accordance with requests that you make. Members are advised of Monthly meetings, other Club events and general club information. We may also use your Personal Information to provide you with electronic newsletters or promotional e-mails regarding changes and upgrades to our club and web site, should you request to receive such communications from us.
Disclosure of Personal Information
We are not in the business of selling information about our members or visitors to our web site. Except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Statement: we do not generally trade, rent, or share your Personal Information with third parties, we will not disclose any information that you ask us to keep confidential, and we will not disclose financial information unless you ask us to do so. To organise club events for you, we may engage third parties to assist us, and, in connection with such assistance, we may provide them with Personal Information that you have provided and that is necessary for them to assist us.
If our club or our assets are acquired by another club or society, that club or society will possess the Personal Information collected by us and it will assume the rights and obligations regarding your Personal Information as described in this Privacy Statement.
We may disclose your Personal Information if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to (a) comply with relevant laws or to respond to subpoenas or warrants served on Crewe and District Model Boat Club ; or (b) to protect and defend the rights or property of Crewe and District Model Boat Club or users of our web site.
Your Choices Regarding Your Personal Information
You have the right to ask about your personal information we hold as well as the right to have such information corrected or removed from our records and web sites, you may do so by contacting us at
Should you decide to stop receiving further communications or newsletters from us, you will have the opportunity to “opt-out” by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the e-mail. If at any time you wish to subscribe to any communications from us, you may do so by contacting us at
Despite your indicated e-mail preferences, we may send you notices of any updates of our legal Notices, Terms of Use, Privacy Statement, to any e-mail address you provided to us and you have consented that we may hold.
Regarding Minors
Our web site is not designed for minors under the age of 18. We do not intentionally gather Personal Information about visitors who are under the age of 18.
Links to Other Sites
Our provision of a link to any other web site or location is for your convenience and does not signify our endorsement of such other web site or location or its contents. We have no control over, do not review, and cannot be responsible for these outside web sites or their content. Please be aware that the terms of our Privacy Statement do not apply to these outside web sites.
We use reasonable measures to maintain the security of your Personal Information. Even so, technical mistakes are possible. No organisation, including Crewe and District Model Boat Club, can fully eliminate security risks associated with Personal Information.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us at
Privacy Statement Updates
This Privacy Statement is subject to occasional revision, and if we make any substantial changes in the way we use your Personal Information, we will post an alert on this page. If you object to any such changes, you must cease using our web site. Continued use of our web site following notice of any such changes shall indicate your acknowledgment of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.
Conditions of Use and Revisions
If you choose to visit Crewe and District Model Boat Club web site, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Notice, as governed by the laws of the United Kingdom
This statement was last reviewed on 4th January 2025.
Emergency Contact List
Boundary Park Lake, Knutsford Road, Cranage, Holmes Chapel, Crewe, Cheshire CW4 8HT
Situated on the A50 between Holmes Chapel and Knutsford.
Telephone: 07949 218836
Owners: Alan and Ruth Blackhurst
Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 3BL
Distance: 8.2 miles Tel: 01625 421000
Leighton Hospital, Leighton Hospital Middlewich Road Crewe. CW1 4QJ
Distance: 9.1 miles Tel: 01270 255141
Victoria Infirmary Winnington Hill Northwich Cheshire CW8 1AW
Distance: 0.0 miles Tel: 01606 564000
The Health Centre – Holmes Chapel, London Road Health Centre, London Rd, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire CW4 67BB
Distance: 1.7 miles Tel: 01477-533100
Chelford Surgery, Elmstead Road, Chelford, Macclesfield SK11 9BS
Distance: 4.7miles Tel: 01625 861316
Ashfields Primary Care Centre, Middlewich Road Sandbach Cheshire. CW11 1EQ
Distance: 4.8 miles Tel: 01270 275050
Middlewich Medical Centre, Oaklands Medical Centre St.Anns Walk Middlewich Cheshire. CW10 9BE
Distance: 5.5 miles Tel: 01606 836481
Toft Road Surgery, The Surgery, Dunley, Toft Road, Knutsford WA16 9DX
Distance: 6.8 miles Tel: 01565 632681
Manchester Road Medical Centre , 27 – 31 Manchester Road, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 0LY
Distance: 7.1 miles Tel: 01565 743100
Mobberley Road Medical Centre, 190 Mobberley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8HR
Distance: 7.3 miles Tel: 01565755222
Middlewich Road Surgery, 163 Middlewich Road, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 7DB
Distance: 7.9 miles Tel: 01606 43850
Lloyds Pharmacy, 39-41 London Road, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire CW4 7AP
Distance: 1.7 miles Tel: 01477 532347
Goostrey Pharmacy, 3 Cheshire House 164 Main Road,Goostrey Cheshire CW4 8JP
Distance 1.7 miles Tel: 01477 549481
The Well – Sandbach, Unit 3 The Commons Sandbach. CW11 1EG
Distance: 4.7 miles Tel: 01270 766648
Boots UK Limited, 5-7 High Street Sandbach Cheshire. CW11 1AH
Distance: 4.8 miles Tel: 01270 767276
The Well , Middlewich Road Sandbach. CW11 1DH
Distance: 4.8 miles Tel: 01270 762205
Wise Pharmacy, 11 London Road Elworth Sandbach Cheshire: CW11 3BD
Distance: 5 miles Tel: 01270 768194
Cledford Pharmacy, 70 Warmingham Lane Middlewich Cheshire CW10 0DJ
Distance 5.4 miles Tel: 01606 832994
Rowlands Pharmacy, St Anne’s Walk Middlewich CW10 9BE
Distance 5.5 miles Tel: 01606 837604
Rowlands Pharmacy, 28 Wheelock Street Middlewich Cheshire CW10 9AG
Distance 5.5 miles Tel: 01606 834931
Boots The Chemists Ltd, 64 King Street, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6DT
Distance: 7.1 miles Tel: 01565 633114
Cohens Chemist 38 Princess Street, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6BN
Distance: 7.1 miles Tel: 01565 633078
Rowlands Pharmacy, 4 Parkgate Lane Knutsford WA16 8HG
Distance: 7.2 miles Tel: 01565 632140
Lloyds Pharmacy, Tel: 01606 351813 66 Middlewich Road, Rudheath, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 7DA
Distance: 8.9 miles
Tesco Pharmacy Tel: 0191 693 4599 Manchester Rd, Northwich CW9 5LY
The contact details provided above are for information only and there is NO medical cover provided or implied by The Crewe and District Model Boat Club for any member or visitor sailing at or attending any club event.
All persons attending or sailing at Crewe and District Model Boat Club events do so entirely at their own risk.
4th January 2025
Crewe & District Model Boat Club has a strict policy for handling members information. The information you provide to Crewe & District Model Boat Club is confidential and protected to the fullest extent possible. Crewe & District Model Boat Club will not disclose or distribute member information to third parties without the prior written consent of the member, unless required to do so by court order.
For complete details, please review the following policies:
Terms of Use
Welcome to the Crewe & District Model Boat Club Web site (the “Site”). By accessing this Site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below (the “Terms”). If you do not agree to all of the Terms, please do not use the Site. Crewe & District Model Boat Club may from time to time modify or revise the Terms by updating this Web page. Your use of our Site following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Terms as changed. If any change is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate your use of the Site.
It is our policy to respect the privacy of individuals who visit the Site or provide comments to us. Our privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”), which you may view at Privacy Policy, is incorporated herein by reference. By accepting these Terms, you expressly consent to the use and disclosure of your personally identifiable and other information as described in the Privacy Policy.
You have the right to have your personal information corrected or removed. Please contact the Secretary to ask for your personal information to be corrected or removed from our records and website.
These Terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. If any provision of these Terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. These Terms are effective unless and until terminated by Crewe & District Model Boat Club.
4th January 2025